The purpose of this blog is to keep family and friends updated with the most recent news on Matthew. It will also document his biggest trial to date and serve as a reminder of how many people love and support him, and how much the Lord loves him when he has beat this terrible disease.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Nothing But Good News!

I talked with my dad this morning and he said that last night after they got checked into the hospital they took T's blood to test and checked it for all of its counts. They gave him an antibiotic and a bunch of other stuff through his port. The doctor said that his counts were at 150 (they have to be at 250 to go home). But then they came back shortly after and said that his counts were at 1250, they just miscounted. 1250!!!! Matthew and dad got home this morning around 5:30. My dad told me that when he got home and laid in bed my mom was still sleeping so he texted her and said that Matthew is fine, then hurried and laid his head down on the pillow. She shot up out of sleep and read her text about Matthew, and then my dad said, "And he's in bed." Mom whipped around really fast because he scared her so bad. hahaha He's so funny. I died laughing when he told me that.

Even though they were up all night, dad stopped with Matthew and filled my car up with gas and ran it through the car wash. He's the best!

This morning mom took Matthew to the clinic for his scheduled appointment, and they didn't have to do anything to him. The only thing she told me is that the doctors there were very happy to see how high T's counts are and how well he is doing. Matthew is totally exhausted and will probably sleep through most of the day today.

More good news! Matthew gets to do home care! He'll go to the clinic in the morning to do chemo, then he'll come home with a back pack of fluids to run through an IV at home. There is a pump in the back pack that will run those fluids to keep him hydrated and flush the chemo. My parents will be trained to work his IVs. We are so happy that he doesn't have to stay in the hospital during his week of chemo. What a blessing!

Night at the hospital:


  1. Hi Jenelle! I just wanted to try to post and tell you that I am following Matthew's progress. I enjoy your posts so much. You are a great writer.
    I loved the prank your Dad played on your Mom. He's a jokster!
    I'm glad to hear that Matthew can do his treatments and return home. This is do much better for him - to be home - and with his family.
    It turns out that I know the parents of Heather Ball (she plays on the girls Volleyball at GHS). I got invited to the game but I could not go - I'm sorry I missed it! I'm glad I got to see the pictures here.
    God's continued love and blessings to you and your family.
    Brenda (155th street neighbor!!)

  2. P.S. I loved the bubble bath story, too!
