The purpose of this blog is to keep family and friends updated with the most recent news on Matthew. It will also document his biggest trial to date and serve as a reminder of how many people love and support him, and how much the Lord loves him when he has beat this terrible disease.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chemo Therapy: Day 5

Last day of chemo for 21 days!! Today has been a great day for Matthew. He is completely off of the oxygen machine and the morphine that they have been putting through his IV. He still has his morphine drip, but he only pushed the button that releases it once the entire day and his pain is still only at a 3-4. He took a shower today, changed into new clothes, and got new sheets so he is feeling good. He also ate about 10 big bites of cream of potato soup, which is a lot for a guy who has been living off of jello, yogurt and water. My mom said that he loved it and just kept opening his mouth for more. He's been waking up a lot in the nights to use the restroom because of the fluids he has constantly pumping through his body, but the nurses said that he should sleep better tonight. The doctor also came in today and was pleasantly surprised with how good Matthew looked today compared to how he looked the yesterday and the day before that. Matthew's 5th grade teacher came in today to see him too and she brought him a gift, so that was really cool for him to see her.
My dad is at the hospital right now working hard all through the night to make sure T has everything he needs. He definitely gets the father of the year award in my book.

Look! No Oxygen!


  1. Hooray for potato soup and no oxygen and especially for finishing day 5 - you are all such troopers! So happy to hear he is doing so well. You are all constantly in our thoughts and prayers.

  2. Keep up the "GREAT WORK" Matthew, you are doing so "Awesome" Day 5 is a "Huge Accomplishment". You, your parents and siblings are made of "Tough Stuff"...True Fighters! Keep strong, you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you Jenelle for your hard work on the blog updates, we check them everyday and appreciate being able to keep informed with Matthew's progress. We love you guy's!!!
    Jeff, Jeanette and Talon Grant
