This was finally a better day. In the morning Matthew was taken to get a hearing test, a PET scan and a lower back xray to give us more insight into why he is in so much pain, and to confirm his diagnosis. When I went to visit him in the hospital, he was more awake than I had seen him all week. His morphine drip seemed to be working well, and I brought Jarrett to see him. Jarrett is the boy who I do respite and habilitation work with, and he is awesome. When we got there, Matthew held out his hand and Jarrett held it until the nurses came and had to read his wristband. He sat there and just talked to Matthew and I could tell that it lifted his spirits to have him there.
Jarrett definitely knows how to work his adorable face in a hospital...By the end of our visit he had scored blue Latex gloves, a patient name wristband, a lanyard, a visitor's badge, candy, blue beads, a notepad and two pens from various nurses, and he was wearing all of it when we left. He looked like he belonged there and it was awesome. He was also being very "helpful" to Matthew as he tried to mimic what the nurses did. He pet him on the head, held his hand, read his wristband, and held his wheelchair steady as my dad helped him into it. Jarrett was very excited to be there helping and reminded me several times with a huge smile that he was helping.
Matthew's seminary teacher also came today to check on him and bring candy bars and cards that the class had made. It was nice to see how supportive his class is, and all of his cards are now hanging brightly in his room. More of T's friends showed up to spend time with him and take him on another cruise through the hospital.
Today Matthew was officially diagnosed with a cancer named Germ Cell Tumore. His doctor is awesome and very empathetic. We can also tell that she loves Matthew because she gets emotional every time she has to deliver bad news. She also sat and comforted my mom for a long time after giving us his diagnosis, promising that she would do everything and anything necessary to fix him. Bishop Livingston was also a great comfort as he was there with us when we got the news. He gave me and my parents amazing blessings that instantly comforted us in this terrible time. Later that night President Layton came to the hospital and gave Matthew a beautiful and promising blessing with my dad. Although the news was devastating, we had an amazing support group that helped us bear the burden.
Brother Arnett, T's seminary teacher:
Cards from his seminary class:

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