Matthew got to go to sacrament meeting today for the first time in a month! So that was cool.
This afternoon Matthew got up to get a snack, and as he was walking into the kitchen he got very light headed that he passed out for a second. On the way down he hit his head on the counter and then the floor. Right after he hit the floor he just said, "I'm fine. I'm fine." haha He had a small goose egg on his forehead, but other than that he's fine. It was a nice little scare though.
Angela Webb came over this evening with a hospital mask that she very artistically turned into Bane's mask. It looks so awesome! She's such a great friend.

Later, Robbin O'Bannon and her boys came over to watch a movie with Matthew. Her oldest son, Sean, had this movie about the Law of Attraction, and he felt really inspired to come over and watch it with him. I am a huge believer in this law. I believe that positive thinking brings positive results, and this movie was all about this. It was really cool, and if anyone wants to watch it you can find it on Netflix. It's a documentary style film made in 2006 called The Secret. Matthew can really embrace its message and use it to remain positive about his fight with cancer and recover as quickly and entirely as possible.
O'Bannon family: