The purpose of this blog is to keep family and friends updated with the most recent news on Matthew. It will also document his biggest trial to date and serve as a reminder of how many people love and support him, and how much the Lord loves him when he has beat this terrible disease.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Normal...Whatever That Is

Good afternoon my family and friends! I just want to let you all know that Matthew is back to normal...kind of. He's in the clinic getting chemo therapy today, and he's still wheel chair bound, but his pain level is low and controlled. There is one bummer though..his counts are dropping and he is in danger of becoming neutropenic again. He's going to start receiving those really painful, daily shots again that he was getting during his stem cell harvest to bring his counts back up. They're painful, but it will be worth it because it will hopefully also get rid of his bone pain. He's also going in for another marrow sample so they can make sure they know exactly what is causing his pain. Fun times. This experience is like the never ending story. There is always something happening and it's rarely fun.

On a happier note, we're still receiving a lot of love and support from people all over the world. Just to give you all a visual of this support, I posted a map of statistics that makes for me. This map shows where in the world people are reading my blog. The darker green areas are where the heavier traffic is. It's really fun to read the statistics, and they keep me motivated to write everything down. I hope this blog will not only be a good scrapbook for Matthew to look back on and a way to keep loved ones in the loop, but also a personal resource for others who may be dealing with cancer to stumble upon.

Some of the countries listed as readers of this blog are:
The U.S., Spain, France, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, the U.K., Russia, South Korea, Honduras, China, Taiwan, Australia, Estonia, etc.
Thanks for reading!

Some other fun stats about readers...

 Web browsers used to read:

Devices used to read:
iPhone is almost tied with PC computers! I didn't realize SO many people have iPhones.

1 comment:

  1. I look daily for your blog posts. I think about your brother and pray for him often. You are an amazing family and you are an incredible sister, full of love for your brother! Very blessed indeed you all are. Much Love!
    DeLynne Bock
