The purpose of this blog is to keep family and friends updated with the most recent news on Matthew. It will also document his biggest trial to date and serve as a reminder of how many people love and support him, and how much the Lord loves him when he has beat this terrible disease.

Monday, March 4, 2013

False Alarm

This weekend was a pretty rough one. Around Friday evening, Matthew started experiencing pain in his shoulders, elbows and shins. We assumed this was the cancer growing back in his bones, because that is what has caused this kind of pain in the past. My parents kept him really comfortable and on a constant diet of pain pills because he started chemo today, and we knew that if we took him to the hospital, they would keep him for a long time and he wouldn't make my wedding. Chemo shrinks the cancer and stops his pain, so he toughed it out all weekend. If he needed to get up to sit, or to go to the bathroom, we had to help lift him, so he just laid on the couch and slept, or watched TV and movies pretty much the entire weekend. Today my dad took him to start chemo therapy, and the doctors had some news for us....The results from T's marrow sample last week came back and showed the growth of the tumor in his bones is negative, and that the pain he is experiencing is the regrowth of healthy marrow!!! They knew that at the end of last week, but forgot to call and tell us. So we worried all weekend for nothing.

Marrow results
The best part of the report:

This is the best news we have gotten for a while! We are all very happy today, and a lot of stress has been alleviated from our minds. T still needs to get two transplants to kill the rest of the cancer, but the worst possible scenario has been avoided based on today's results. Now if we can just get through my reception on Saturday, life will be a lot more calm and relaxing.


  1. That's such wonderful news!

  2. wOOOOOOOhOOOOOOO! Whoops, CAPS lock is on!! I love, love love this news!!! Jenelle, you have shared the spotlight so graciously with your brother even though your big day is just about here. The Bridezillas I know would have been mad at T for having cancer on their speshul day (Lawd have mercy!). Now you have a clue why I live in Arizona far, far away... :-)

    Congratulations to you and your family for tumor free bones, a temple marriage, a strong missionary in the field, a wonderful sense of humor...and the best mom and dad ever whose diligence and protection tilled the soil for these blessings to bloom. Your family ROCKS! Kiss your mom for me...Love, Robin
