The purpose of this blog is to keep family and friends updated with the most recent news on Matthew. It will also document his biggest trial to date and serve as a reminder of how many people love and support him, and how much the Lord loves him when he has beat this terrible disease.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Chad is a Nazi!

Matthew looks and sounds a lot better than he did yesterday. He's still in pretty bad shape, but he's more awake and responsive today. He's talking more and asking for things, which is good. Even though his throat is still kind of sore, he manages to throw out jokes and funny words. He still doesn't complain about his pain, but as soon as we try to get him to drink medicine or something that tastes bad, he complains. He's so backwards.

T is under a lot of Morphine for the pain, so he's becoming a little delirious again. Not nearly as bad as last time, but today he thinks he's in Utah and that everyone that comes to see him flew here. He has also thought that he was on a boat, and that his brother is in Germany. I think he was joking about Chad being in Germany though, because when we asked him about it he said, "Chad is a Nazi so he is in Germany." When mom told Matthew that Chad is in Spain, he said, "Germans don't live in Spain." haha In pain and miserable, but still a jokester.

Matthew had over 1,000 people fasting and praying for him today. Missionaries from Chad's mission and JD Layton's mission, families on the mission mom site, friends and family everywhere, my whole stake, my fiance and his family, and others participated. I know this fast will do wonders for Matthew. If you follow this link ( you can see the post on Chad's mission's blogspot that says:

Fasting for Matthew Peters

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Friends and Family of the Spain Malaga Mission:

Today and tomorrow we are fasting and praying for Matthew Peters, the little brother of our own Elder Chad Peters.  He was diagnosed with cancer in September, and as of a few days ago is back in the hospital with severe pain.  He is 16 years old.   Below is a sweet picture from the blog his sister is writing about his difficult journey.  It's Matthew, or "T" as they call him, holding onto Elder Peter's nametag with a note on the back.

It says this, in part:
APRIL 2014  I love you...
...hold onto me tight :)
 Please join us in praying for Matthew and his family.

So cool. Thank you so much to everyone who is fasting and praying for Matthew.

Bailey, Heather, Spencer and Seth came up to visit Matthew tonight. He loves having visitors.

1 comment:

  1. I knew Chad was a Nazi all along...Lol. Jenelle, as usual, this labor of love is make me so very proud to know you. We all fasted and prayed for T this past Sunday. I am not proud of this, but I have prayed for your brother so angry if I spit, grass wouldn't row in that spot probably. I was raised in the Baptist church and when we pray, we pace...Okay, plus i am just crazy anyway. I just want to do more, more, more! I am on a learning curve though, it is our collective efforts and acts of deep and abiding love for you all that has REAL power and so with that in mind, I will keep killing grass and pacing because I will do my utmost to contribute to the power that is moving on behalf of Matthew and his amazing family. Stay strong girlfriend...all of you are heroes to me. I love you, Robin
