Matthew would be turning 24 this October.
The first birthday after T's death was hard. On October 25, 2013 he should have turned 18. My mom's friends made her a green birthday cake and took her out to lunch. Michelle, one of T's nurses from the clinic, brought over green balloons and a card. I sat and watched The Office to remember him. I think of him every time I watch that show, especially the last few episodes. Everyone did little things to remember him in their own way for his birthday.
To celebrate his birthday every year, we have a birthday party at a park and let go of floating lanterns. We used to have it at my parent's house, but after a lantern almost caught the Layton's tree on fire we moved to the park where there is plenty of wide open space. His friends and family are invited to participate, and we always have a really good turn out. Green birthday cupcakes and milk are served, and everyone talks about memories they have of Matthew. It almost serves as a reunion for us as well, because it brings everyone together. T's birthday party is the only time we get to see some of the people that attend.
Everyone is given a lantern, and we all write something special to him. We light them and let them go at the same time. This is one of my favorite traditions. It's a beautiful symbol, and it really keeps his memory alive.
A few years ago, back in 2016, we let our lanterns go per usual. That night, there was a story on the 10:00 news talking about how people had seen a UFO. Social media was exploding with people reporting UFO sightings, and the story even made the morning news. It was reported shortly after we sent T our lanterns, and in the same area. We all got a really good laugh out of it because we knew the truth behind the strange, alien ship lights everyone saw floating in the sky.